Thursday, May 30, 2024

6 Tips to Succeed in Your Job Interview

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Ranga Rajah

5 min read·51 Reads
6 Tips to Succeed in Your Job Interview

Getting an opportunity to interview is huge. And to succeed, there are a few steps you need to follow.

As a candidate selected for the interview, it is time to get ready to give your best shot.

Remember, the actual prep begins a day before the interview.

Creating a reminder checklist to get started:

  • Print copies of your resume.

  • Maps and directions.

  • Check your email for details about the time and person you will meet.

  • Select your outfit, bag, and shoes for the interview.

  • Get your hair and nails done.

Research the company:

It always pays to know your future place of employment well.

Reading the company's website is a big help.

Most publications like to write about businesses and profile the company’s top executives.

If possible, try to search the internet for articles and other sources of information about the company.

With the help of these articles, you can gain deep insights into their plans.

Arming yourself with more knowledge will showcase your interest in the company.

Remember, knowledge has the power to set you apart from others. 

Use social media.

This will give you a peek into the interactions connected to the company.

Check if their posts contain facts and figures.

Or, they also share the celebrations and achievements of team members.

Treat this as an exercise to gauge the ‘temperament’ of your future workplace.

This will help you prepare mentally to fit into the company culture.

Reviews from job boards:

It is always good to focus on the positive reviews.

There are always two sides to a story, so focusing on the negative reviews will make you doubt your decision.

I have read a few negative comments about the companies where I have worked.

However, the dynamics I shared with the team, management, and human resources were the opposite of the reviews posted.

I enjoyed working in those places. And I only moved when I wanted to take a break or explore better opportunities.

Highlight your skills aligned to the position:

If the job you are being interviewed for requires a background in media, coding, digital marketing, etc., highlight the details about your stint at the local publication and your experience coding a website.

Don’t forget to mention the diploma or certificate you have earned in any of the skills listed for the position.

Most companies prefer candidates who are good at organizing and managing responsibilities.

If you have experience organizing and managing events, don’t hesitate to talk about it.

Remember, this interview is a chance to expand on all your experiences and skills mentioned in your resume.

Also, talk about experiences that are not listed on your resume.

Have your questions handy.

The last part of most interviews is where you get to ask questions.

I always ask questions related to my growth and future in the company.

If the interviewer can share some challenges faced by new hires in the past, that will give you plenty of pointers when you start.

You can also ask about the next steps after the interview.

Like, how long to wait before sending an interview follow-up email, etc.

Try to base your questions on your research. It is an opportunity to show the interviewer that you researched the company.

Asking general questions like if there are casual Fridays and free beverages are great ice breakers.

Try to use this opportunity to ask important questions related to your job.

Interview day prep:

Start your special day as early as possible.

Nothing is more refreshing than a shower.

Next, try to meditate for a few minutes. It will relax your mind.

A healthy breakfast and a cup of freshly brewed tea or coffee are all you need before heading out.

Anxiety is a killer, and being unable to reach a place in time is definitely one of its triggers.

Therefore, knowing the distance and the time it will take to reach your destination is a good idea.

I suggest you check the traffic flow, road maintenance (if any) on your route, and other useful information connected to your travel in advance.

This step will not only help you prepare for the trip but will also help you reach it without any hurdles.

Reaching late is a big no-no. It creates a bad impression.

Also, you do not want to start your interview process with a negative.

If you stopped for a second cup of tea or coffee before the interview, check your breath before meeting the interviewer.

While waiting for the interview to start, check your file and read your resume.

If you have made notes, reminders, etc., go over them.

Try and get rid of that stress and relax, even if it is just for a few seconds

Tell yourself you have done your best prep possible. All you need to do now is give your best shot at the interview.

Image Credit: Van Tay Media -- Unsplash

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