Monday, April 29, 2024

How Can AI Help in Your Job-Hunting Journey?

User avatar of Ranga Rajah

Ranga Rajah

4 min read·25 Reads
How Can AI Help in Your Job-Hunting Journey?

Job hunting is a major event in our career journey. Be it seeking employment for the first time, or pursuing better opportunities after gaining experience. Since we got introduced to AI, all of us want to test its uses best suited to us. So then, can AI provide any help in seeking jobs? Let's take a peek at what AI can offer job seekers.

Automating Your Job Application Process:

Do you know you can use AI for your job search?

Sonara is one such AI-powered job search automation platform that not only finds jobs for you but also applies to jobs suiting your experience, preferences, etc.

How do these job search automation platforms work?

It is as if you made a wish and the AI realized it for you.

All you have to do is use the software and add your resume, it will automatically match the jobs available, and actually submit applications on your behalf.

Using AI:

Text-generating AI programs like ChatGPT are a blessing when it comes to creating resumes and cover letters.

This is how I use these programs.

I create my resume and then request the selected program to match it with the job selected.

Of course, it goes without saying that I apply for jobs that suit my experience, expertise, and my line of work.

As for the cover letter, I feed in the job requirements, type my cover letter beneath, and ask for suggestions and corrections.

One thing I make sure of is to not blindly copy-paste the AI-generated text. I make it a point to modify where necessary.

In my experience, AI tends to exaggerate a few skill sets. No offense, but I am also not too fond of the flowery language and cliches used by AI. All in all, I find the need to rewrite the AI-generated text to suit my voice and style.

Remember, these programs are meant to fast-track the process and act merely as assistants, they are not meant to represent or replace you and me.

Take the cue and march to your own music!

AI Support Tools:

Since we are on the topic of resumes and cover letters, consider using Kickresume, Rezi, Cover Letter Now, and Skillroads.

These AI resume and cover letter generators do most of the work for you.

All you need to do is fill in your job title and these little helpers will help you build your resume, and write a cover letter in minutes.

Reports say job seekers who use ChatGPT and other text generators mentioned above have a higher response rate from hiring managers

Applying for Jobs:

A couple of years ago, applying for one job used to take me nearly an hour because each application had to be customized to suit the requirements.

This had to be followed by creating a cover letter.

Pre AI era, sending more than 6 applications a day was an achievement for me.

Cut to today, AI has made it possible to increase my number of job applications to over 10-12 per day. A big jump from the pre-AI era.

Here is a case study to prove that I am not the only one.


We are living in the age of AI and it is providing us with all the job hunting resources including job search platforms, resume, and cover letter writing software,. Then there are extensions like Simplify Copilot that can help you fill in applications based on your profile.

There is also software to track your job applications.

But there is one thing that we all need to do; bring in our skill sets, experience, and unique perspectives to the job opening.

All AI can do is create an impactful application and even submit it on our behalf.

But AI cannot replicate YOU and ME.

Image Credits: Igor Omilaev--Unsplash

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