Monday, May 27, 2024

Horrific Dangers of E-Batteries: Toy Car Suddenly Destroys House

Horrific Dangers of E-Batteries: Toy Car Suddenly Destroys House

Photo of a house fire (Image Credit to Thomas Ehling on Unsplash)

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The Dangers of E-battery charging unsupervised can lead to fire and loss of life

What might look like an innocent toy car can destroy an entire house!

There have been many tragic instances of e-batteries catching fire and destroying homes, buildings, and lives. The charging of electronic devices (e-scooters, e-bicycles, e-toy cars, e-mobile phones, laptops, etc) should be supervised. Fires can also happen due to user behavior and improper charging practices, as well as faulty batteries and cheap chargers.

The recent tragedy of a home destroyed by charging an e-Toy Car

A couple of days ago in the UK, a toy e-car caused a fire that destroyed a house. On 22nd May, a young mother and her child luckily escaped death, as the child’s toy e-car (with e-battery) ignited, catching fire and destroying their home.

E-Car battery responsible for loss of home (Mother and Daughter escape) — Metro UK News

The toy e-car was plugged in and the mother suddenly saw flames after it ignited, gutting and destroying their home. She managed to grab her child and fled to safety, in good time. Had they not, they both would not have survived this horrifying event.

Other instances of E-batteries causing outbreaks of fire

Having a mobile phone near a petrol station, on a flight (if not in flight mode or switched off), and in other situations is a fire hazard. Mobile phone usage is not permitted in petrol stations in Ireland or the UK and a sign is displayed indicating this. The reason is that the heat and static energy from a mobile phone in a highly explosive atmosphere, such as where petrol pumps are, could cause a fire.

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